The wait is over! On Monday, Rihanna's brand new clothing collection entered River Island stores throughout the UK. If you've been in a River Island shop over the past week, then you'll know that they've been completely Rihanna-fied! Her hit songs are blaring out the speakers and her new collection surrounds you at the front door.
This campaign photo shows that Rihanna (with a lot of help from River Island fashion designers) has opted for dark colours, with a girly but grunge vibe. You may also have noticed that the pieces put a lot of flesh on show, but this is Rihanna we're talking about...
Unfortunately, to pull off Rihanna's designs, you've got to have a flat stomach. She's loving the cropped trend. It will also help if you have a large disposable income sitting in your purse. I think a lot of the clothes have been slightly over-priced! However, I'm loving RiRi's collection overall so I've put together some of my favourites.
Abbey xo