Friday, 7 December 2012

Read My Other Blogging Work!

As Material-Media's Facebook fans already know: I'm a blogger for my local newspaper, The Kidderminster Shuttle. My writing for this publication is very different to that of Material-Media. For The Kidderminster Shuttle, I write film reviews, opinion pieces and lifestyle posts regarding local communities. The writing style is a lot more formal than Material-Media's content.
Today I've written a blog post which I believe you Material-Media readers will be interested in! It's about why you shouldn't do all of your Christmas shopping online this year and that you should support your high street instead. If you fancy a read of this blog post then CLICK HERE.
I write a new story every two weeks or so for The Kidderminster Shuttle, so I have quite a few pieces building up! If you'd like to read some of my other previous posts or want to take a look at my blogger's profile, then CLICK HERE.
I hope you enjoy reading my other work and please feel free to leave a comment on any of my Kidderminster Shuttle blog posts.
Abbey xo