Seven years on from when the first book was published, The Twilight Saga in print and film has come to an end. Breaking Dawn Part Two was possibly the most anticipated film of the whole series and has definitely awarded Twilight fans with an epic finale finish.
You could feel the excitement in the room when Breaking Dawn Part Two came on the cinema screen! I can honestly say that I have never looked forward to seeing a film as much as this, and I wasn't disappointed.
The Twilight finale started exactly from where Breaking Dawn Part One left off, so I suggest you have a quick recap of the previous film beforehand. I felt that most of the story leading up to the Volturi confrontation was rushed. But as everyone knows, the film never goes into as much detail as the book! I did feel that many of my favourite parts of the book were ignored, which is my only criticism of the whole film. Now onto the good stuff...
It was fascinating seeing Bella Swan finally as a vampire - Kristen Stewart played a great part in doing this. Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner were also amazing as always and we see past Edward and Jacob's rivalry in this final film! All of the actors/actresses casted as the vampire covens were fantastic as well. Many of the new faces give the audience an insight into what the 'real' human-feeding vampires are like and some of them are damn scary looking!
Now onto the much talked about 'twist'. Don't worry, I won't spoil it for those of you who haven't seen the second part to Breaking Dawn yet! All I will say is that I was a complete emotional wreck. I didn't realise how attached I had become to the characters of Twilight. There wasn't a dry eye in the cinema screen. But were they happy or sad tears? You'll have to wait and see! The 'twist' also provided the audience with shock after shock after shock. You twihards out there will definitely not expect the final happenings of the film. It was unbelievably brilliant!
If you're a Twilight fan and haven't seen the finale film yet: What the heck are you doing? Get to a cinema now to watch it! Breaking Dawn Part Two really is amazing. And for those of you who have watched the film but not read the books: Seriously, get buying those books now! They give so much more detail and meaning than the visuals!
I'm so sad that The Twilight Saga has come to an end. This phenomenal series will stay with many Twilight fans for a long time. I'd like to thank Stephenie Meyer, Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner and the rest of the Twilight cast and crew for providing us with such an amazing, unforgettable and breathtaking story.
Abbey xo