Saturday, 14 July 2012

Material-Media Needs More Facebook Likes!

This is just a quick post to encourage all my readers to 'like' Material-Media's Facebook page. At the moment has 22 likes, but I'd love a lot more!

You may be wondering what appears on the Facebook page that's different to this blog website. Firstly, I notify people who have liked Material-Media on Facebook of new online posts. Secondly, I post little updates onto the Facebook page that are too short and simple to appear on this blog website. Finally, Material-Media's Facebook page enables readers to discuss blog posts as a group!

Today I have posted my 'Bargain of the Day' (a great value sale item on the high street). I have also shared the latest American Idol news over Material-Media's Facebook page and have asked my readers on their opinion of the subject. So please 'like'! It is very much appreciated.

Abbey xo